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Hydration Guidance

Hydration is important for all aspects of our bodily functions; being hydrated means having enough fluid in your body for it to work as efficiently as possible. If you are using a urinary catheter, you’re likely to be extra aware of the importance of hydration in order to maintain a healthy bladder as well as avoiding urinary catheter complications and catheter associated urinary tract infections.

Drinking tea and keeping hydrated

It is recommended to have at least 6-8 cups or 1.8-2.4L of fluid per day.

Many people become dehydrated by not drinking enough fluid or by losing fluids and not replacing them.

Download our hydration tracker to monitor your fluid intake.

If our bodies lose too much fluid, or if we don’t consume enough, this can lead to medical problems that may require treatment in hospital.

It’s important to be able to recognise when you’re dehydrated. Thirst is not a reliable marker of dehydration, it’s a symptom that happens after you are already dehydrated.

Read our guide and learn:-

  • Why hydration is necessary
  • Recognising the signs of dehydration
  • What counts as hydrating fluids?
  • Hydrating foods
  • Increasing hydration – putting hydration tips into practice
  • Top tips for carers